Unlock the Value of Data

Questar helps automakers, Tier 1 suppliers, and fleets unlock the value of vehicle data. Instead of wasting time and money, a vehicle is halted and fixed before the mishap. Foreseeing such events, presents a new concept of risk management, and contributes immensely to business stability and thriving.


Make Data-Driven Decisions

Our insights will change the way fleets are managed, they can reduce their total cost of ownership, improve asset performance, and reduce operational costs. For the first time, automakers and Tier 1 suppliers will be able to form intimate relationships with their users and learn how their products function in real use over time. They will be able to make data-driven decisions that can lower their design costs, reduce warranty claim costs, and minimize recalls.

Breaking the Speed of Knowledge

Our technology consists of AI-based analytics software, advanced telematics, and years of accumulated data and intimate familiarity with automotive pain points. While performing deep learning onboard the vehicle and in the cloud, Questar utilizes unique prediction models providing us with accurate prognosis of future vehicle health events. Questar breaks the speed of knowledge simply by knowing in advance. As the vehicle progresses, Questar gets smarter and so movement in itself enhances data and turn insights into invaluable assets.
